Thursday, October 2, 2008


I don't know about all of you out there, but I am so sick of this election year I don't know if I can take another 2 months of it!!!!! My heart hurts when I think that half my beloved country is willing to vote for a man that has the "qualities" of Barrack Obama!!!! It sickens me and terrifies me that people are giving their futures and their children's futures over to this man. What is wrong with America? I've been thinking of this for awhile. And what I believe that it all comes down to is America is sickeningly selfish. Where does selfishness come from? Well, from what I can tell, it comes from not caring about anyone , even God, more than yourself. And I think that is what we are seeing in Americans these days. God is almost a swear word. If you believe in God , you are a radical! If you are a conservative Christian, then you are almost equated with lunacy. And if you have morals, they would like to put you in jail if they could! If you believe that life begins at conception , then you are viewed as some horribly insensitive person who wants to take peoples "rights". If you dare say a word against homosexuality, or adultery, then you are considered a species of odd behaviour and for lack of better word a prude. All these things are things that are specifiacally mentioned in the Bible. But they don't like to bring up the Bible because that isn't even relevent to them. Its called wanting what I want and getting what I need out of life. All this is starting to take a toll in my mind these days I war with it . I think , is this truly how its gonna be from now on? We are the radicals and we are the ones that are insensitive and we are the unloving ones? That when you mention being a Christian you have to defend yourself as if you said you were a criminal of the worst sorts. I know that is what the Bible says, that in the end days you will not be popular if you choose to go in Jesus name. But , I grow exhausted of people treating Christians like they have some sort of disease. But everyone else who gets abortions and lives perverted lives , and cares nothing about anyone but themselves they are the normal ones and they are the ones that have brilliant minds and are really living the life of self discipline. People, seriously. The hardest thing in this world is to give yourself up to God and let Him work through you. So if you've done that , then congratulations!!!!!


becky said...

Great post Melissa. Sadly, I think this kind of behavior is here to stay. I think you are right, it comes down to selfishness. You are right, we are in the minority and we are looked at as the people who have done something wrong, when we just want good honest people. Anyway, great post!!!

My Life in Pictures said...

Great post Liss! Way to put it into words.